You mean that it works in ScreenSpace mode but does not when created by a widget component attached to an actor and set to World, right?
Collision is here:
Just this bit.
You mean that it works in ScreenSpace mode but does not when created by a widget component attached to an actor and set to World, right?
Collision is here:
Just this bit.
should i change this ? to what ?
Just wanted to see what it’s set to. At this point I assume nothing. Maybe your project altered channels defaults…
The absolute minimum should look like so:
Is there anything special the Player Controller is doing:
Also: what are the chances that something else is simply blocking the trace to the widget? You have a mesh 3 widgets, something else perhaps? You said you were adding some widgets to test things, perhaps it’s that?
that sucks…
Something in your scene is blocking it. Run Widget Reflector to see if you have a rogue widgets covering the entire screen - I’ve seen people do it too many times, by accident.
You may have a blocking volume in the scene the traces are hitting instead reaching the widget.
Open a new level, drop your actor there and test things.
i took down all the widgets and recreated the button and the component and it’s still the same, maybe something to do with the mesh ? idk…
Make a copy of the blueprint, remove the mesh, or disable mesh collision. Test that. Use a single widget only in case they block one another.
still nothing :((((((((((((((((((((((
So you’ve dropped a simplified actor with a single widget into a new level and its Receiving Hardware Input widget’s button does not respond?
Once it starts working, start adding back other components until you find the culprit that caused it all.
You’ve tested it outside the project. We know it works. There’s something about your setup we don’t know about, that’s providing the list above is covered. Perhaps there’s a funky plugin?
It’s not even being detected by the widget refactor
It should not, not in World mode, it’s there for you to test whether something else is blocking it, another widget. What is reflector hitting?
just the main box:
the other lines you see was just me draging and droping the widget refactor window, but since it was in my other screen it didnt show
When you run the reflector, it notifies you which widget you’re interacting with:
Are you hitting viewport? This would mean that no other interactive widget gets in the way, like a full screen menu whose canvas was set Visible
but is, otherwise, see-through - it’s a somewhat common mishap.
just like that it started working… I didn’t change a thing since the video… i don’t understand. I don’t know if it’s gonna work when i’ll add everything I removed
Ah, welcome to UE. Add stuff step by step until it breaks. ;p
It broke when i just added a time widget in the top left of the window lol
So… it’s another widget blocking the scene after all?
yes apparently, i have 2 widgets added directly to world, one with the time and one with settings (buttons, sliders etc). What am i supposed to do with them so they don’t block?
So you Create Widget → Add To Viewport, right?
If you do not want to interact with them, set the root visibility:
to Not Hit-Testable (Self & All Children)
Or do not make them full screen:
Or ensure the backdrop in the widget is Not Hit-Testable. Not sure how to advise precisely - would need to know what those widgets do and look like, hierarchy-wise.
Folks sometimes add a widget like this to viewport:
And set the border alpha to 0. But border blocks mouse by default and covers the entire viewport in this state.
Yet another solution is to let the input pass through the screen widget but that may not be necessary, hard to tell without knowing more.
for the time, setting it to not hit testable worked, but for the interactive one, here’s the hierarchy:
Also, now my mesh doesn’t want to show?? how weird and frustrating is this