Click for MENU

Hey guys,

Wanting to be able to Left Click on a window or door, or anything really, and have a menu pop out like the picture below with several options. Have been looking for tutorial but failed to find.

Any ideas? Cheers!

Make use of the OnClicked Event that you can create in the BP.

I made a simple door and doorframe, added it to a Blueprint, created an OnClicked event for the door and then wired in a WidgetBlueprint to appear whenever the event fired.

Dont forget to make sure you have the Enable Click Events enabled in your Player Controller.

Do you know of any tutorials around? Really hard to find.

Add me on Skype if you want me to walk you through what I did.

I cant find any tutorials that will be very helpful specifically to what your asking. Just search around on youtube for anything similar, especially how to use the OnClicked Event.

Thanks to DevilsD, this is what I have so far. Plenty more work to be dont but a good start, thanks again.
[video]- YouTube

I would recommend looking at the unreal tutorials for UMG and start from there!

Then like the other said, just link them to on click events

Always happy to help, glad it turned out the way you wanted.