CLI: Help with long string of commands

I have 3788 datasets to reconstruct, and I was hoping to write a very long command line and leave the computer working for the next week. I wasn’t aware about a character limit in a single line from the command prompt app. Because of the length of my command I can only do 15 reconstructions every command. Is there any way I can split long command strings between multiple lines without getting the “the app is already running” error?

Hello Oneris Rico,

you can use character “^” to separate individual commands into several lines. This is the example how to use it (can be found also in the Help - Reconstruction commands):

RealityCapture Help

RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\AlignedProject.rcproj^
  -selectMaximalComponent -setReconstructionRegion %MyPath%\myBox.rcbox^
  -save %MyPath%\NewProject.rcproj -quit


Very much appreciated your response, I tried the ^ solution but it didn’t execute the commands following the character, for the moment I’m solving it by using  waitfor /t and set an interval wide enough for the software to have time to export the 15 models, I’ll look into for future projects, I also saw that .bat you posted in the other question I asked, I’ll research into both… thanks!!!

Can you please post an example how did you use the command sequence? It should work when used like in the example I posted in the previous message.

I did this to test it

“C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\RealityCapture.exe”^
-addFolder D:\Desktop\Oneris\Shenzhenobj\f811^
-setReconstructionRegion D:\Desktop\Oneris\Shenzhenobj\0Data\reconstructionRegion.rcbox^

and it only opened the software

You need to insert space before each command in the beggining of each line. Also please make sure that there is no extra space at the end of each line.

Hello! well, turns out I have to re-do all the exports cause I forgot to add the -simplify command (ouch), so I found myself in the same problem, I could successfully use the ^ character, but when I run the bat file it is still being capped by the command line limit

Would it be possible to share the .bat files with me so that I can take a look at it and find out the problem? If yes, you can for example send the download link via contact form on our webpage. Thanks

I just sent a message using the contact form, thank you for your help


I have replied to your email sent via contact form. You need to modify your script so that all of your datasets are loaded and processed properly one after another. 

Thank you, I got the email and I’m grinding through it to understand it better, you are very helpful!