CLI commands for Grouping / Ungrouping images by Exif?

I tried searching through the documentation and forums but couldn’t find if there’s a CLI command to group and ungroup images by exif.

I know there’s “appGroupCalibrationByExif=True”, but that just seems to be the global application setting that only groups images during import.  Thanks!

Hello Akin,

unfortunately, there is no command for grouping the images already present in the project. I will forward this request to the development team.

For now you can use the setting appGroupCalibrationByExif before loading the images. Also, in the next version it will be possible to define custom calibration and lens group for the image selection. Also, many new commands will be implemented as well.

Thanks for the quick response Zuzana - I appreciate it!

Yes, please pass it on to the dev team to expose those commands to CLI.
Is there any rough eta on the new version?  Looking forward to it.

Thanks again!