CLI command reprojectTexture not working, always processes reprojection in 0.00s...

Hello everyone!

I am currently working on a pipline in houdini where we process images in RC through python subprocess (maybe there are plans to bring back the RC nodes in Houdini ? :upside_down_face:).

The problem I am facing is that when I trigger a reprojectTexture command it always processes the reprojection in 0.00s, but when I initiate it thorugh the GUI it calaculates it normally, eventhough I do not change any of the parameters… Am I missing something here?

Here the CLI Command:

'-selectModel', 'RetopoToolV4_1_highres', 
'-unwrap', '-selectModel', 'RetopoToolV4_1_textured', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_supersampling=-1', '-set', 'reprojectionTool_resultModel=RetopoToolV4_1_textured', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_sourceModel=RetopoToolV4_1_highres', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_enableDisplacement=true', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_allowColor=false', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_normal=false', 
'-set', 'reprojectionTool_useCustomDistance=0', 
'-reprojectTexture', 'RetopoToolV4_1_highres', 'RetopoToolV4_1_textured'

here is a screenshot of the the entire console in RC

Hi @seikfour04
Can you add there the better print screen of this part of the console:

Are the parameters separated there?

Because using CLI, the parameters needs to be separated by quotes: -reprojectTexture "Model 1" "Model 3".
Maybe it is not necessary to use the coma in last command.

Thabnks for your answer. It doesnt seem to be the problem. I thinks its just the notatino in the console that doesnt print the extra quotes. The console from houdini shows that there are two seperate arguments. Also RC accepts the arguments otherwise it would throw an error no?

I got it working now with using a parms.xml file though.

Still seems to be a bug maybe?

EDIT: Changed from solved to open again

You’re right. This seems to be a bug. I reported this issue to our developers. Thank you for reporting this.

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