CLI: calculateorthoprojection

Hi RC-team,

I’m using the calculateorthoprojection function to automate the process of obtaining othomosaics. This function needs a file containing some settings (2nd argument): params.rcorhto. One of these settings defines the reconstruction region for this particular case/place.

Does this mean I can’t generate an orthomosaic of a dataset located somewhere else on the globe with the same params.rcorhto? If this is the case, I would say RC should be able to generate dynamically this params.rcorhto/metadata file for every single case.

Let me know what you think!


We are aware of this problem, and we would like for this command to be more flexible. At the moment it is not possible to use .rcortho file for various locations if the coordinates are not changed in it (it can be opened as a text file).

I have filed this into our list of feature requests, and I added your feedback there.


Thanks a lot! I’m looking forward to this.