Clear world?

Hey I’m pretty new to UE4. I’m working on 2D Card game, basically it’s all like interface.
When i start simulation, than i see in World Outliner like Actors and other things created. How can i get rid of them forever? I mean i don’t need them and i guess they are like rendered so it’s better to delete them right? When i’m out of simulation than “NewWorld” i World Outliner is totally clean but every time i start it creates this things.

Basically i just want to get rid of everything in my World Class.

Hey there ,

I would be careful about deleting things that the engine is generating automagically, untill you know what they are. It would probably be best if you posted exactly what was being created, and if it’s a good idea as to whether it’s deleted or not. The other thing is this, if you don’t see them in the outliner, when in the editor, and they appear only when your running the game. You probably don’t have the option to actually delete the “actors/objects” anyway, as the engine is probably creating them, because either it needs them, or you need them for what your doing.

Whether or not a actor is rendered depends on whether there are actual components attached to that actor to render. If there is no components attached to the actor, there is nothing to render.

Hope this helps.



Leave those alone, GameMode, ummm, well that is internal to the engine, information there you might wish, but it’s going to have a hard time, doing anything without that, GameState not a good idea to delete this either, as you won’t have a game. Essentially, until your comfortable with the internals of the engine. Leave those alone.


So you say probably these things are just needed for game to work right?

Thanks, understood :wink: