Clear Save Game??

I have a game with a high score system. I need to test if they work correctly and I already have a high score save system. I worked my high score up really high and I want to reset it back to default 0 within the save game so that I can beat the default high score for testing. This might be a basic question but any answering is appreciated


where is resolution?

Sorry about that, I thought this question would be lost in the endless stream of questions here.

  • In order to clear your save you made in the editor, like the highscore, go to your ProjectFolder/Saved/SaveGames and delete the .sav files

I would copy and paste those .sav files into another folder before deleting if you want keep an accomplishment you did in your game (like progressing through levels).


Is there a way to make a button that reset the saved games??

You can use the Delete Game in Slot node



Amazing Thank you!!

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