Hey all.
I’m working on something i’m hoping to release on the marketplace, which contains a few blueprints.
Feature wise it’s pretty basic it’s just a bunch of HUDs, widgets, spawning objects etc… interacting together.
What I’m trying to figure out is how to make my pack of blueprints as independent as possible (as plug n play as possible), so that when people download it from the marketplace, they don’t have to change anything in their current project. (Ex: no changing their game mode or player controller etc…)
There’s not much info on how to setup blueprints for marketplace release, so i was wondering if people here could share their experience, or knowledge about this.
More details on my case:
- I have a main blueprint, let’s call it ManagerBP
- It can spawn/modify different things in the maps (actor1BP, camera1BP etc…)
- It also creates widgets and HUDs and modifies them at runtime.
that’s pretty much it.
My main concern is how to get my ManagerBP to be created/active at runtime without the “customer” having to do too much blueprint.
- Only way i’ve found so far is asking them to add a “spawn actor of class” at event begin somewhere (player controller or game mode…). But that’s not ideal.
- I was wondering if there’s another way to get my ManagerBP active without spawning it, OR if there’s a way to spawn it from within my pack of Blueprints (ie: not modifying the customer’s content)
Thanks for the help guys!