I’m currently using an Int to store the selection process:
I’m pretty much doing all the setup for the different characters with that int even choosing the flipbook:
But that is not what I originally had in mind. I created:
And the child char blueprints were supposed to hold all the important information like MaxHP, MaxSpeed etc.
But I found out that I couldn’t change the variables that the child inherited, that the only way was to set them. Thus everything moved outside those blueprints mainly into the game instance. Now I face the problem that when my character dies and I switch to another the size is messed up. I know why: It’s because I use the Int to determine which flipbook is selected. And the characters size (sprite scale) is set up in the child char blueprints. I only load those once on init:
I’m wondering if there a better and cleaner way to do this. I want something like a character profile where everything is stored in that I can then read and apply. Currently I’m all over the place and I don’t like it. Children in UE4 work different from what I’ve learned about OO Programming. I expected that the children would inherit the parents variables and I could just change their values overriding the parents variables.