Classic Shooter ver1.5

Well, if you are planning to make a whole game, then adding this is a simple task. Tutorials on adding new weapons is already there among other tutorials on my channel, just add left and right arm and left and right pistol separately, and when you run the firing logic use flip flop node to alternate. Also you will need a separate “ready to fire” variable.…BZjibaE5DCP4pp
There is also a video how I made the blender file for double pistols in the end. But you will have to add animations for it. Tutorials cover how to make animations in blender too. Basically if you go through the whole tutorial series, you will know how to make everything else.

Hello. Is this going to be updated to 4.23 (or will it work as is in 4.23)? Thanks.

Hello, did you make some tutroials how to integrate some other weapons and arms? i have something from the marketplace but it aint work like in the project. Did you have some new tutorials?? Integrate some Ironbelly stuff??

One last Question can i intergrate an anim BP for the character so that i can integrate some marketplace kits. the hole pistol an other weapons with arms have no animation an iam searching for the way to do it but i think the code isnt lay out for this thing. this would be a great tutorial for the future how to integrate some diffrent models for arms an weapon without juseing blender. blender frustates me to mutch. sorry but the project needs to be more ways to keep it working in the ue4 engine. but it is also a good project i love the ai s you code in it. great work. keep it up to an animation bp for an character like from the ue4 fps project with the arms. please this is something i love to see for the future.

Hello, I’m trying to replace the arms model and I just cant seem to get it to work right. Can you help me?

Is there a discord server for the Classic Shooter?