Class Blueprint Timeline/Actor/Static Mesh issue


I have multiple similar doors in this level which I need to both open at the same time when a button is pushed. I was building them using multiple matinee’s and triggers in the layer BP when it was suggested I make a Class BP for the door.

I soon found out that matinee’s cannot be referenced in a Class BP so I had to do a timeline for it. I followed along the Unreal Tutorial (by the awesome Unreal people) and ran into an issue. I cannot link the individual door component to the Set Actor Location function.

These are the components for reference:

The door has multiple static meshes, however I only want the “right door” and “left door” to slide on the X axis such as I’ve accomplished using the matinee system and a trigger box. Example here: [link text][3]

I’ve got many doors and elevator systems along this level and it would be greatly useful to be able to class BP them instead of choking up the level bp with matinee references.

NOTE: I do not need the elevator (shown in video) to coincide with the door open. That is being taken care of elsewhere and wouldn’t be a good fit for the Class BP.

Currently using UE 4.6.1