Clarification about my Crash Report


Would appreciate some clarity about this report that keeps popping up when I try to import an obj model. I have had success with other models, just not this one. I am a novice, still learning, so if anyone might be able to see if there is any info in the report about what the editor didn’t like about that file, would be very helpful. I am not surprised that something went wrong, it was my first elaborate model, trial and error. Here is the report link text , and this is dxdiag link text , project log link text. I had no ue4 log, but there was a success log that said it was there just to report success. Thanks in advance.


Hello CovertSlinky,

Thank you for all of your information as it helps us determine the location and reason for the crash.

I do have a couple of questions which could solve the issue if you try some different approaches.

Firstly, which modeling program are you using?

Have you attempted to export your mesh as an .FBX instead of an .OBJ file?

My last question would be, how many polys/tris are in the model and how much information like media, materials, and textures are being exported with the model?



Hey Andrew,

Thanks for your response, fbx format worked, thanks.

