clangd helper extension(v2.3.0) + clang-tidy Unreal Guide


Some people would like to stay with VSCode for its awesome extensions but didn’t like the speed.

  • The clangd extension has fast code completion + formatting and other great features.

  • You’ll still use Microsoft’s C++ extension for Building and Debugging

I’ve created an helper extension for clangd.

  • It creates a clangd project for your Unreal project
  • Enables/Disables all needed settings
  • Detects when Intellisense needs updating
  • Has an Uninstall feature

I’ve also added a Quick Start Guide. It’s fairly easy to setup and use.

It does also have extensive documentation.

Clang Tidy Guide

Clang Tidy is a C++ linter.

I tried to make a general guide, for Unreal, based on all the Tidy errors in Lyra. There were a lot…