When Error happens: Building MyGameName as a Development Server for Linux platform
Error from Build Output:
[1/1] Link UE4Server
21>Clang++.exe : error : no such file or directory: ‘Unreal’
21>Clang++.exe : error : no such file or directory: ‘Engine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/zlib/zlib-1.2.5/Lib/Linux/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/libz.a’
----The above 2 lines repeat about 15 times but the second error will switch the directory it is trying to find/create----
21> -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
21>ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: C:\Source Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Linux\UE4Server
21> Cumulative action seconds (4 processors): 0.00 building projects, 0.00 compiling, 0.00 creating app bundles, 0.00 generating debug info, 0.15 linking, 0.00 other
21> UBT execution time: 11.94 seconds
21>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command ““C:\Source Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” UE4Server Linux Development” exited with code -1.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 12 up-to-date, 22 skipped ==========
Setup Process:
Clone Unreal Engine repo using github client
Unreal Engine Located at “C:\Source Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine”
Extract Required_1of2.zip, Required_2of2.zip and Optional.zip for Unreal Engine 4.5.1 to “C:\Source Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine”
Extract v3_clang-3.3_ld-2.24_glibc-2.12.2 and point LINUX_ROOT enviornment variable to it
Run GenerateProjectFiles for Unreal Engine
Build Unreal Engine as Development Editor Win64
Right click on MyGameName.uproject and select newly built Unreal Engine in “Switch Unreal Engine version”
Open MyGameName.sln and build for Development Server Linux
Solutions I have tried:
-Using “v4_clang-3.5.0_ld-2.24_glibc-2.12.2” instead of “v3_clang-3.3_ld-2.24_glibc-2.12.2”
-Changing the directory of toolchain (and Enviornement Var) to from “C:\Source Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine”
to "C:" or “C:\Source Unreal Engine”
-Re-cloning repo and re-extracting required and optional zips to “C:\Source Unreal Engine”
-Building Unreal Engine as developement Linux then trying to build MyGameName for Development Server Linux
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
EDIT: I came across A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
which has a step about setting up a special server target for UnrealBuildTool which wasnt mention in the other tutorials I was working from. I will update with the results.