I am completely confused, I claimed materials on Quixel last year 2024. No when I open it in bridge it show me some 14k ish assets, but when I want to use it it says GET IT ON FAB, on Fab nothing happens, I cant even find same material??? I am so lost on this? I just want to use material that is all…
I wasn’t logged in on Quixel inside Bridge on Unreal Engine… This is madness! So I have to log in on Unreal Engine Launcher, download UE and be looged in, Install plugin still be logged in and after that log in Quixel, but you don’t have automatic log in with account but you have to type in again your email and password, I didn’t forgot pass but I forgot my mail, so I went to settings, guess what you cant see your email! Luckily I found my email.
Please automate this I dont want to spent my time on trivial things! Maybe for you (EPIC PEOPLE) isn’t but for us Developers/Designers etc it is, I lost hour thinking about this.
WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FAB AND QUIXEL? I am lost on this what should I use? What are benefits of one and what are benefits of other, what are pros and cons?
Thank you in advance, sorry I lost my temper on this one.