cl-Filter and Link-Filter and UE 4.25

What does CL-Filter.exe and Link-Filter.exe do?

Why are we not given the source code? We have the source code for everything else.

These “Secret” Files are breaking everyone’s Distributed build system.

I would like to launch an Unreal 4 application at some point. Was told I would be given ALL of the source Code.

Can someone please give us the source code?

Compile Unreal Engine 4.25.3 using FastBuild. change FASTBuild.cs
else if (Action.CommandPath.FullName.Contains(“link.exe”) to
else if (Action.CommandPath.FullName.Contains(“link-filter.exe”)
but Exe: …\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealHeaderTool-BuildSettings.dll
EXEC : 1> error : No child command line specified.
Usage: link-filter.exe -linker= - -
EXEC : Failed to build Exe. error : 1 (0x01)
Target: ‘…\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealHeaderTool-BuildSettings.dll’

Sources for those tools are located in “Engine\Extras\Windows”, at least in 4.26 .

Thank you Antonz. I did find them in the latest release.

AS Antonz indicated:

Sources for those tools are located in “Engine\Extras\Windows”, at least in 4.26 .


Just another remind for this problem. I encountered this issue after Rider automatically add include headers to my cpp file. If you are using Rider and get this error, expand the include list and delete not used ones.