In the project “CitySample” made with UE5, I’m looking for a way to increase the distance between the player and the vehicle that defines whether the vehicle is part of the mass. When I click on a vehicle that is far (about 100 meters), the vehicle is part of an object called “MassVisualizer”.
Also, a vehicle that is further than 50 meters loses some properties that I need. For instance, a BP_vehCar_vehicle06_Sandbox becomes a BP_vehCar_vehicle06. Again, I can’t find a way to increase this threshold distance.
This is illustrated in the screenshot below.
The vehicle inside the blue circles have all the properties and are labelled with a name ending with _Sandbox. The vehicles outstide the blue circle but inside the green one have lost part of their properties (and some that I need). The vehicles outside the circle are part of the MassVisualizer and are highlighted in yellow.
I guess this is related to the LOD, but I can’t find the parameters that defines this LOD Distance. I could find some in the project settings, under “Engine - Mass”, but changing those didn’t help
Do you have any idea where those thresholds can be set?