City Sample Project Optimization Problem

Hi everyone! i’m optimizing small city demo map. i have 3060 gpu. i successed. im playing with 100 fps in editor mode. but when I enter the game as “standalone game mode” and package the project, none of the optimization I do works. It only works in editor mode. Where could the problem be?

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No, this error is something different. The most important problem is that although the world partition is active on the map, it does not work. Secondly, it works in editor mode even though I set the culling settings of the objects, it doesn’t work when I package it. Although I set all textures and meshes on the map to the lowest settings, there is no change in fps.

world partition does not work in any mode. I am using version 5.2. But I also tested it in version 5.0. It doesn’t work there either. Meshes are nanite, but all static meshes in the city are configured as instances within an actor. I selected the cull distance settings of all meshes one by one and rendered them when they reached a certain proximity. But as I said, the game works in editor mode. None of these settings work when I get the package.

i have 95-105 fps in editor mode (high quality)
i have 50-60 fps in standalone game mode and packaged version

I’m sorry, I need to see the screenshots on the same camera angle, Fullscreen in editor mode with “stat gpu” pulled up and the same in standalone mode.

I’m pulling up an example right now.

This is what I need to compare. This is my editor performance.

It’s not the graphics card that drops fps. So it has nothing to do with the GPU. The problem is with mesh rendering. Reducing the rendered meshes solves the problem and the fps increases. But your Engine setting is low. You get 55fps on low engine settings. Since I optimized it, I can get around 100 fps at High engine settings. I think it’s related to HLOD, but the project is so extensive that even 32gb ram i9 12900 cpu can’t handle it. I can’t refresh HLOD. Refreshing the HLOD will fix the problem?

My settings have nothing to do with scalability. I have tweak it so much of the “Low”. Ignore that please because it’s highly out of context.

I need the Stat GPU chart from both of your scenarios . I need to see what calculations are spiking in the pipelines or nothing is going to happen here.
We need to properly compare both cases. Stat gpu isn’t just about the GPU, it about the current scene.

It’s not about fps, I’m trying to explain it. We’re talking about something different right now. I say world partition is not working and culling is not done. You want to compare for fps value. I opened this thread to see if anyone could help me. But let me help you. Here’s the gpu stat in the editor and the stat in the standalone game mode

ss1 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (Editor Mode)

ss2 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (Standalone Mode)

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I think I know what it is. TSR is spiking in standalone.

Either 2 things are happening. TSR settings are bumped up in standalone (Epic settings maybe). I don’t think this is it.

And the only thing that would make TSR spike would mean a higher amount of pixels fed into it, in other words a higher resolution. This was explained to me my by the maker of TSR.

It goes from .85 to 3.5ms! That’s gotta be a huge sign.
A higher resolution would also explain the higher Nanite Basspase.

Check r.ScreenPercentage, sg.ResolutionQuality in Editor and press ~ in standalone and execute the same numbers you find in editor(during good performance)
This inconsistency could be due to the Moniter Editor performance “feature”. Which lowers your resolution in editor (hence better performance).

i made myself script to set culling for all meshes but some are not possible to set, like frosted windows, also removed lot of windows from buildings, made them as separate glass materials as i wont to see through, rest is nanite. Big impoact is raytraced shadows as after actor culls you still have shadows in its place, im working on this currently with about half result

@fatih4tepe Was I correct about my GPU profiling analysis?
If not, I have another Idea which could fix you’re HLOD problem.

Sorry I meant Visible in Ray tracing, but casting shadows is sufficient for me now i think. Finally got it working i believe, so i set what distance between player and instance i dont want to show shadows and then it sets cast shadows to 0 but when you get closer it sets it to 1. Still need work but should be betetr with perf, also trying same thing for physics with partial success so far.

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i will package and test but seems promising. Im not checking against all instances only ones i hit with shot. I will make short video later to demonstrate what im doing.

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you are right about that. But my problem is with hlod. I’d love to hear your suggestion regarding HLOD.

Have you rebuilt the HLODs using the specific instructions said here?
City Sample Quick Start for Generating a City and Freeway in Unreal Engine 5 | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Section 7.
If the second option didn’t work. Maybe the CMD method will work better. The project is too specific for them not to document 2 different ways.


im in discord very thanks

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