City Sample "Night time" mode turn on and off for sequencer?

in the city sample for UE5, is there a way to switch it to night mode manually so I can use it for cinematics in sequencer? i know you can switch it in gameplay mode, but i just want to switch it in non gameplay mode for film making.


I’m having the same problem

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I added a call to CallOnTriggerNighttime to the menu “BP_CitySampleOptions_World”. This is probably far from the best way to do it…but it works


thanks! but that still requires you to go in game mode. i just want it to switch in “non game mode” not sure what the correct word is, but basically i want to switch it in the outliner so i can have it in night mode for sequencer. so like if i could just use this switch (image below)…but currently it doesn’t work.


Ah yes, I tried that Night toggle too with no luck. I see what you mean…I would also like to access night mode while scrubbing around in sequencer. hmmmmmm

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To set nightmode in Sequencer you first need to track BP_Nightmode in Sequencer. Then you need to Track → Events → Trigger

Then you need to add a new key to the timeline. Right click on the key and set the event to “set NightTime” you can use the search box to find it.

Once you have added the event you will need to go back to the key and right click on it to get to Properties where you can then Check the “Call In Editor” Checkbox. This will allow this trigger to work in the Editor.

Now you can run your sequence and it will trigger the nightmode in the editor. It can take a couple seconds for the Lumen to adjust to nightmode so I suggest adding your key a few frames before the start of your sequence.


Awesome! That’s exactly what I needed! Thank you

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This worked. Then it just stopped working. … Trying to reproduce error in a new project and cannot. So unusual.

Q. Are we able to set Night and Darkness in the editor without using this Blueprint? The BP_NIGHTmode seems to be relevant to GAME sessions. For those of us working in Cinematics, I want to get control back on my environment at the time of render from a Sequence. But my issue is which set of Lighting tools do enact change to lighting. When manipulating Directional light I cant get to Night. Do I need a new nighttime Dome HDRI?


is there a way to do the same for the other spawners that only work in gameplay mode? say like the crowd spawner, have it turn on for sequencer and get a few people in the area? or vehicles etc…

the tip posted above works exactly like it should. it turns the level (big or small city) into night mode when you hit play in sequencer. It also changes your environment accordingly…buildings, street lights etc. You don’t have to touch any lights when doing this setup since it’s already made for you.

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It does. Thank you very much.
I failed to return to the group to clarify. As long as you start before your keyframe in the Sequence timeline. Which may or may not be evident.

This works quite perfectly! I had no issue with applying the night look into my sequence. The only issue occurred to me when I tried to reverse back to the day look. Once I made my scene into the Night mode, even when I set my Trigger action to set a Day time, it kept the night look, just changing one strong light in the sky.

I also found the Call In Editor in the blueprint which gives you a working toggle in the details pane.


This is the way to do it. Easy peasy. What you COULD do is just remove all the sky elements and create your own. I use the Ultra Dynamic Sky from Marketplace. It looks better and has waaaaay more control w/o all the hassle.


It worked for me perfectly well, but how can you bring the city back to daytime? Can the shift from daytime to night time animated, and vis versa?

i can’t get back my daytime too > did you fix this ?

In case anyone want to check out night mode in Editor (not in play mode nor sequencer)
You can simply call Set Night Time in BP_nightmode’ s Construction script

Just for reference for other people who look for the answer even though it’s 7 months later.

What I did was set back the BP_night mode to “Set Day Time” inside the Details panel.

And then readjust the DirectionalLight_WP.

anyone know how to toggle the green matrix filter when rendering in render que?

Hi, i want to use the Ultra Dynamic Sky in the city sample, but in the BP_Nightmode, how do you connect the directional light, height fog, sky light, from the UDS into the BP_NIghtmode? It doesn’t allow me to choose the Sun light or other elements inside the UDS blueprint. Because right now, the BP_nightmode is activated even during daytime. Thanks.