City sample in houdini can't process and export

did you manage to sort out this error?..

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if you find yourself here, ensure you follow “Step 2 - Creating a Directory for Your City” in the city sample documentation.This should solve the error above.It did in my case.

So. I am using newest version of Houdini. I have been at this for over a week. I the only thing i did was follow the steps to go into the Processor and put the ( ) in the 3 places that WizzleOfOZ recommends and hit ok through the error. Only setting folder didn’t do it for me. I made sure the Full Houdini folder from “Small City” was in my Working project folder ($HIP) refreshed the Auto Update and Viola.

Things i did:
Followed UE5 Tutorial - Fully
Made sure Small City was in C:\Users*UserFolder*\CitySample_Houdini\MyCity
Copied full Houdini file there
Make sure your project is set to the directory above File > Set Project
Added ( ) to the 3 print lines in the city processor as recommended
hit ok to the error after I applied
Refreshed the City Processor and my City appeared.

Hope this helps.

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Update: Confirmed working


Looks great! how did you make roof works?

Yep. I fixed it by connecting this one PCLOUD

to final building PBC process



I didn’t have to do any of that. It just worked. Just did a large city with multiple zones to check.

it works, thanks

I also tried large scale city, but it crash many times. looks 64gb memory is not enough for city larger then 2k * 2k

So, after you create the city in UNE, all roofs are there (I never managed to get arbitrary roofs to work), collisions for all the buildings and the freeway are set correctly without any modifications to the Houdini’s graph?

Which Unreal Engine and which Houdini version did you use?

He just showed you screen from Houdini. There is problem with PBC export and I already wrote how to fix it.

Do you mean connecting ARBITRARY_ROOF_PCLOUD to the final building process?

If yes, then @Spaceballone81 wrote that he didn’t have to do any of that.

If not, what exactly do you mean under “problem with PBC export”?

One more thing: did you also had to place to folder for python 3 and edit it to get Freeway GEOs and PBCs?

Hello. Correct I did not have to make any PCLOUD changes, and I checked and my roofs were good. Are you saying your roofs do not import right? I checked close up and all my roofs worked as they showed in the tut.

No. I did not have to add the I ran the freeway rule as defined in the second part of the tut. My freeways created as they should have.

I would check a couple things. Make sure you do not have a super complicated city layout. Try not to have your freeway run through buildings.

I went with a simple setup to test (under 1KM) and it was a bear to finalize even with my rig. UE built all buildings and freeways properly and added cutoffs for my freeway where it intersected with a normal road (made blockades). Going to check on my large city export tonight.

I am using current ver of Houdini and UE 5.1.1

you also need change parameter attrib, add “type” so that rule processor can generate the mesh

Thanks for the response, appreciate it.

Really surprised that it had worked for you without any changes except for updating print in the processor node.

I have never managed to export PBCs without placing into a location where python 3 could find it and updating its print statements with parentheses and finally fixing imports inside Freeway node to make them compatible with Python 3 (which kind of makes sense, since the original Houdini project was created for Python 2 and we are using Houdini built for Python 3).

Regarding the roofs - like for many others here, roofs for buildings that are not of a simple rectangular shape (aka arbitrary roofs) are not placed on top of the buildings (the meshes are there, but it seems that the corresponding point cloud is missing).

By the way, I have noticed yesterday, that roads are missing a bunch of lane lines, parking marks, manholes etc. (small decals). I also see that it happened to your city on your screenshots - only some lane markings are present on the roads.

Should I just add Object Merge and Attribute Wrangle nodes, set Object1 field of Object Merge to ../ROOF_ARBITRARY_PC and by Attribute Wrangler add type (set to what?), correct?

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copy the node TYPE 14

Sorry maybe follow tips above but i haven’t seen any roof errors during my project.

Yeah i thought that was just the procedural to make some fade and not make it perfect. As with some areas i can see that they are faded to show low maintenance, not sure. Yes it is weird. I haven’t done anything special and it is weird. I have done that tut ALOT. When i did export i did not use PDG as it caused errors.

I also did the tut from Houdini and realized that the CitySample should have utilized a TOP node so that you could process the city a lot faster but the way Unreal is not using that make rendering and exporting take so long as it only used 25% of the cores at max.

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