City Sample Crowds still not working in 5.2.1

I’m in desperate need of ‘Digital Extras’ in a scene. And the city sample crowd always worked like a charm to quickly generate variating bystanders.

Now in 5.2.1 the ‘BP_Crowd Character’ doesnt even show up (screenshot1) and when trying to compile the BP, I’m getting all kinds of errors: mostly revolving around pins that no longer work with the nodes or groom errors. (screenshot 2)

Does anyone have a solution for this problem? Anything is helpful, even alternative systems…



seems like some files might be perhaps corrupted, city sample crowd works in 5.2.1. has this been added to your own project or you are using citysample?

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I added it to a fresh 5.2.1 project as well as to an existing one. It’s strange because the big city sample project with everything in it, including mass ai etc. works and the crowd/vehicle doesn’t. What do you think I should do?

same problem here i think they have to update it for 5.2.1

did you test this in editor or standalone?

In Editor…

can you try to run as standalone, as new process?

Same problem here, can’t get it to work.

I finally got it to work after two weeks. Evil_Pee reminded me to surely enable every single plugin that is required for it to work - especially toggeling the Shader ‘SM6’ in the Project settings - since the editor only reminds you once. Followed by a hand full of blueprint edits: more concretely, updating calls/gets for Skeletal meshes in the Crowd_Character_BP) and it worked like a charm!

hey there! im dealing with the same problem. could you explain what you mean by “updating calls/gets for Skeletal meshes”? I explored around the blueprint but couldn’t find out how to fix the errors. Im really new to blueprints so its hard to troubleshoot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The first step is to open the project and enable these plugins:

  • “HairStrands” also known as Groom
  • “MassAI”
  • “MassCrowd”
  • “MassEntity”
  • “MassGameplay”
  • “RigLogic”
  • “LiveLink”
  • “LiveLinkControlRig”
  • “AppleARKitFaceSupport”

Then restart the editor and you will get a couple of mild errors. Navigate to the BP_CrowdCharacter by clicking on the errors in the Output Log window: You will encounter something around the lines of: ‘Depreceated get skeletal mesh calls’. I can’t reproduce what you will exactly get, but the beautiful thing is, that the editor will most likely tell you what to do in the Output log. In short: Hook two or three of these nodes to a new ‘Get Skeletal Mesh Asset’ call (again doesn’t have to be the same for you), compile and you will be good.

Good Luck


Awesome! thanks for the help. turns out i was missing the Groom plugin and it was bringing a lot of errors from getting the various grooms for hair. Getting those plugins and reinstalling the CitySampleCrowds assets did the job!
Thanks again!

Anyone having trouble spawning the crowd? Ive done and fixed all the links and followed the tutorial online but when i hit simulate, nothing happens. Anyone know why?

test in Standalone, it wont work in editor unless you apply fixes to processors. There are some links on forum alredy.

so ive done that - and even in standalone it wont work.

in the debugger it says 0 entitys though ive followed everything by the book. i cant work out why its not spawning them. this is using a zonegraph. any help would be great. its on 5.2.1

Sorry for late reply, i was very busy. Did you sort it out at the end?

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