City Sample Crowds for UE 5.1

How can I get City Sample Crowds run in UE 5.1? The BP_CrowdCharacter has loads of grrom-related “Soft Object Reference is not compatible with Soft Object Reference” errors.


I am facing the same issue. It would be super helpful if there would be an update of the City Sample Crowds for the versions 5.1 and 5.2.

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Just noticed this trying to set up the MassAI from a tutorial here. What sort of workaround did you come up with. I was attempting to do our city walkers without using our AI since it’s way too heavyweight to populate the city level we’re doing. Was really hoping to use this.

Any workaround would be highly useful. Even if it’s just an approach to figure out how the pawns need to be set up for MassAI. The UCrowdManager docs are obsolete as of 5.2 which is what we are switched to.

Same problem here… Doesn’t really make sense, considering that Epic updated the City Sample Project for 5.2.1 but not it’s subsidiaries (vehicle/crowd)

What I eventually found was a ticket open for MassAI that showed it was not functional in 5.2 as the bug was slated for 5.2.1. I think that’s why we’ve seen no update to get it into 5.2.

In my testing, it worked fine with the debug visualization (I could mass spawn cones) but not with the real deal (couldn’t mass spawn AIs). I’m looking for 5.2.1 to be available in the launcher to proceed with the crowds and MassAI.

Edit: Here is the bugfix for MassAI: bugfix UE-184740
To clarify my above statements, it was just my guess that the Sample Crowds update would skip 5.1 and 5.2 as a result of this if it depends on mass spawning.

I finally got it to work with the help of ‘eagletree’! You have to make sure, that all of the necessary plugins are enabled (Unreal only reminds you once). Then change the respective Project settings, more concretely: activating SM6, so virtual shadow maps work. That did it for me.

5.2.1 did it for me too. The MassAI is functioning in that version as intended.

Apparently, the City Sample Crowd is ready for 5.0 - 5.2 now after the 5.3 is released. But I still can’t get it running in 5.2. Did anyone try?

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In my testing it only worked in 5.2.1. 5.2 required hacks to make it work.

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Here for the same reason. Baffling that one of the few official resources with everyday people seems to be stranded.

When I drag the BP_CrowdCharacter Blueprint Class into a scene, all I can see is the gizmo.

Really needed to find out if this was going to work for a few things. Guess that window closed.

I’m on 5.3 now and it seems to work fine with no hacks to the project settings. It’s a 10FPS hit over using a home grown crowd of Manny characters. It also seems to get lost at times if a character wavers slightly and walks in place while working around an object. Each character that does that will be off by the time they kept walking but stood in place. Then it requires a restart to get them to follow the spline track they were supposed to be on. The net effect is that CSC pawn that was supposed to be walking on the sidewalk, will end up out in the street. I could be making a mistake in setup, but I don’t think it’s production ready. When it works, it looks great though.

Edit: my comment that it wasn’t production ready was too harsh. What I really meant was that wide corridors for the spline are required to keep the pawns from momentarily freezing on a collider, as when they do, they lose precision in following the spline which appears to never be reset/recovered. Admittedly, I never tried putting the component on the buildings they would occasionally wander into and thus avoid a situation where they would continue walking without forward progress. In an open area, they work great.

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Thanks. I’m not needing animation at this point, just static people for archviz.
I’ll try again - would you mind sharing the steps to add & place this content?

Didn’t work last 2 times I tried it. I think I had the necessary plugins active.

Here are the graphs, mostly the same as shown in a few tutorials. The MassEntityAsset had to be set up differently on 5.3 to make it work. I don’t show the ABP or how it’s referenced but thats the normal setting in the character BP. The contents of the ABP were just a Walk anim to Output Pose. Pawn’s AI controller was default.


Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 05.36.41

I used three ZoneGraphs all configured like a couple of the tutorials I watched. Laid them out like below (please ignore the prototype appearance, I’m a lousy modeler and just create prototypes which will be replaced)

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This plugin is required in 5.3 to fix the BP errors, add to your project file.

  	"Name": "HairStrands",
  	"Enabled": true
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