CIRCULATION: Lost in a Dark Mechanical Labyrinth

Here is the second part of my video devlog if you prefer this type of format. :blush: Feedback is always welcomed. Enjoy!

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Some of the feedback I received was to create a more rewarding and exciting level transition, something that gives the player a sense of culmination. Here is what I came up with.

For me, it is important to stay consistent with the game’s theme, which revolves around “circulation” (rotation) and light. Movement generates energy, and energy fuels movement. I sought an authentic way to portray “teleportation” without relying on magical portals.

Here is the design I came up with. It will need some refinement in the future. Right now, the red pipes are going through the light bulbs, and upon closer inspection, it is noticeable.

The design of the level transition machine is supposed to resemble a magnetron or a commutator. It creates an electromagnetic field and hovers over the surface. To convey the design more accurately, I started experimenting with sound. Here is the Metasound for this object.

When the player is close enough to the machine, they will hear a slow humming. To achieve this, I recorded my voice humming very low, layered it three times, and slightly shifted each track. When the player activates the level transition, the frequency and volume of the humming increase, creating the impression of a large rotating electrical device.

As probably mentioned before, the setting of this game is pseudo-scientific. Although it is essentially a teleportation device, it would seem out of place if it were portrayed as a magical portal. When activated, the machine starts bombarding the player with electricity.

It culminates in a small particle burst from the player and the disintegration of the player’s glowing body.

Everything that remains in each level is an empty shell, a metal cage.

Now, let’s talk about Decals. I primarily use them for two purposes:

  1. Adding more detail and flavor to the environment and highlighting important objects.
  2. Providing cryptic advice or, let’s say, instructions for the player on how to use the machines.

Here is a better view. It’s inspired by mathematical formulas and geometrical drawings. This particular decal represents the player entering the center under the ring and being transported to another dimension in 3-dimensional space (XYZ).

Each machine has its unique decal with instructions. The “Stopper” has the three red bumpers highlighted with dotted circle lines. The “V” symbolizes velocity and instructs the player to use force to activate the bumpers.

The “Rotator” features circular arrows pointing in both directions for each handle, along with the letters “Z” and “R” representing Rotation and the Z-axis, respectively.

I finally started working on the UI and menu system. I had been putting this off, but it turned out to be easier than expected. Additionally, I created a custom master button to facilitate easier changes in the future.

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Here is the 3rd part of my video devlog talking about the player characrter.