Circular splines cause problems in PCG?

In a PCG script I want to create enclosures where certain assets should not be spawned. These enclosures are defined as closed-loop splines with at least 4 spline points and tagged for their function. All placed are located above the landscape (to make them visible in the editor.
The sequence I use is Get Spline data (by tag), Projection onto Landscape, Spline Sampler on interior, then difference where source is Get Actor Data, followed by Inner intersection.

The weird thing is that though all splines are closed loop splines with at least 4 spline points, SplineSampler will issue a warning: “Failed to compile medial arcs in interior region, density falloff will not be applied. The functionality requires a closed spline with at least 4 spline points”.

The ‘fun’ part is that when I disable all circular splines (created with Spline creation panel) the message does not appear - so it looks like these circular ones cause the message .