I can’t drop textures, it shows me a circle, I can’t show this normal circle because I can’t take a picture, instead I drew it myself. Please help
Hey there @kkkkrthwthth! It looks like you’re trying to drag in some EXR files. EXR files are supported natively for drag and drop. Are there possibly mixed file types in your selection ?
I have something like this
wooden_garage_door_8k type Blender 4.3
and this
I will try system restore, write it all down and let you know if it works
and works haha!
Restoration is a good solution for everything ;D
I’m glad that worked for you! Just for those in the future that may come across this problem, by system restore, did you mean validating Unreal Engine’s files or a system restore of your operating system?
Cieszę się, że to dla Ciebie zadziałało! Dla tych, którzy mogą napotkać ten problem w przyszłości – przez przywracanie systemu masz na myśli weryfikację plików Unreal Engine czy przywracanie systemu operacyjnego? To zostało przetłumaczone maszynowo z angielskiego dla wygody.
I did a system restore and it’s ok. I also use google translate.
And if you want to restore the files, all you have to do is create a new project and in this project copy the files that are in config, and copy them to your current project, in the same place. I don’t know, maybe I discovered it, or maybe there are other ways that discovered it