Cinematics - Child level of the game level

I need a suggestion on the approach on my project. I have the game level ready, with my character blueprints in it. But I am afraid using the same level for the cinematics would affect anything that I created. I am thinking of making a child of the existing game level, just for the cinematics purpose. So, that if I make any changes in the parent game level, such as changing the wall texture or the road texture, the child cinematics level will get updated automatically. But I am not sure is it even possible.

Kindly advice.


But I am afraid using the same level for the cinematics would affect anything that I created.
When in sequencer set the edit mode Allow Sequencer Edits Only.
Any changed you make to the level while in sequencer will only apply to the sequencer.
Closing sequencer will restore what you had.

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Wow! Thank you ! This is really helpful