I believe this bug has been fixed. At runtime, the camera cut wasn’t looking at attachments to find the camera to look through. The fix is targetted for 4.20. Can you just set the cinematic camera to the camera cut track for now?
not fixed in 5.1.1. I attach camera to rail, then press reset property to value. That puts camera at start of rail, perfect.
Then I adjust focus, bc out of box its wwwwway too close . AFter doing that, I add to sequencer and save. Then cine camera attached to rail disappears, and the main camera focus is wayyyy off.Is this a bug in 5.1.1 ?IT doesn’t work reliably , at all. I have a decent system, for what I’ve got atm .ryzen 5, 16g ram, rx 6600 8gb.
attached shows how far off camera is, sometimees after placeing camera, then doing as above, doing reset property on camera.
I have the same problem in UE 5.3, once saved camera is getting off the rail, so you need to reattach it. The worse thing is, it happens while trying to render, so I am unable to render my sequence while using camera rig rail. Any help?