Hi, is there someone who would be willing to do a tutorial on interiors from start to finish from ‘Cinema 4D to UE4’ for beginners? This would be great. A lot of what is out there is 3D max related.
Worth asking
Hi, is there someone who would be willing to do a tutorial on interiors from start to finish from ‘Cinema 4D to UE4’ for beginners? This would be great. A lot of what is out there is 3D max related.
Worth asking
What do you mean with “Start to finish”?
Only the process of setup for export, exporting and importing into UE4, or the overall process of creating stuff for UE4 in C4D.
The first thing would be rather easy and short to explain and has been done here before at least one or two times.
The later thing would require a huge ammount of work, since it covers the entire production of a model or even a scene.
Beside that there are still a lot of different possible approaches even for simple models, rach with their pros and cons.
Literally this wouldn’t be possible without dividing into several lessons.
But you could do what most ppl do, watch tutorials about game content creation even if they are 3dsMax, Maya or w/e and adopt the principals and rules.
That way you only need to have a cinema 4d tutorial for the export to UE4.
Hi Kraid, Thanks for the reply. I’m not talking about the modeling part, I am a 3D interior scene visualizer using C4D+vray.
It’s preparing the textures in c4d for export to UE and the lighting etc in UE for realism.
I have done “What most people do” with regards to tutorials, was just hoping, a C4D user who has exported to UE could share some info and tips in more detail.
The only thing you can bring from c4d to ue4 is the diffuse texture. You’ll have to redo all mats from there!!!
Export to OBJ or FBX, with textures correctly mapped in your meshes (ch1 for mapping, and ch2 for the uvw unwrap if you don’t want to use the auto-generate lightmap from ue4)
Import files in ue4, untick combine meshes, untick auto-generate lightmaps if you have made a ch2 in c4d.
Drag and drop files from content browser to scene. you can use ctrl+g to group objects and shift+g to ungroup them in the scene.
The rest you will learn with tutorials. Most of them are written articles tho. Good luck
Here’s what i once posted in another thread:
Level of Detail models can be exported as a own fbx and added as LoD inside of UE4.
In regards to materials, only the basic materials itself are exported, Textures have to be imported and reassigned to the materials manually.
You can have multiple materials on a mesh by using polygon selections on them.
If you need to have certain effects like procedural generated textures (e.g. noise), AO or whatever on the model, you need to bake out these textures using the bake texture Tag.
Thanks guys