Cinema 4D to UE4 question: Hiding objects from export?

I was working today in C4D and noticed that all objects get exported when doing an .fbx export, even those that are hidden.
Just wondering if any C4D users know if there are any tricks or plugins that would allow somehow hiding or turning off some objects, so you could just export a specific group, etc.

Currently I select the objects I want, ctrl-c, paste to a new scene, and export that. Not a big deal, but just wondering if there’s another way.


I use 3dsmax so I don’t know the answer to your question but in 3dsmax you have to select what you are exporting. So hiding an object from an export you simply don’t select it when exporting. Probably not that helpful but figured i’d throw that out.

A few days ago a user named CGI Art posted a plugin that does exactly this:

Thanks Kraid, I just checked it out and it seems to work well!
While researching this issue it looks like Cactus Dan’s FBX exporter may do this as well (except it’s not free): here
and the Cineversity Smart Export, but you have to be a Cineversity member to get it: here

But free is good. I’ll try this out for a while.