Cinema 4D Datasmith Survey

Hi Everyone, My name is Andy Blondin and I am a Technical Product Manager here at Epic Games.

As you may know we are under development of the C4D for Datasmith plug in. I would like to get some feed back from the community. Here is a survey I put together to help me get to know the users better and what your needs are. It should be quick and take no more than 3-5 minutes. Look forward to working with everyone on this project!

Any news on this? wouldn’t mind beta testing for this

any Eta would be great :wink:

We’re in design, things are happening. ETA is hard to predict until we get a little deeper.

Nice to hear

OMG i’m so thrilled. Hope you release it soon guys =) Thank you

Oh nice, looking forward to trying it out!

Definitely can’t wait to see this happen

BUMP! Yes,still waiting on Datasmith for C4D.

@ACAMELTOE @pxlntwrk @skrotov @Tyrus86 @howelaw @DonutKilla

Please see the following link to help us with our C4D development progress. Thank you.

Eagerly waiting on Datasmith for C4D.

We too, agerly waiting on Datasmith for C4D.

The company I work for would love to move to Unreal Engine 4. Real C4D integration would be brilliant for this. I really hope you continue with this development path.

please make this happen

any news on datasmith for cinema 4d? do you still need c4d scenes?

This is getting frustrating… why is it so hard to support Cinema 4D?

Because its a lot of work!

Here is an example of our results we have internally, after loading up a model from turbosquid in C4D:

Unreal 4.23 will have the c4d importer included - expect a few more weeks prior to get access to the previews.

Looking good Epic!
Waiting eagerly for this importer!


Is there some estimated date to release Datasmith for C4D ?? Thx in advance

excited for 4.23!!!