I have searched via Google and read the ‘similar topics’ that appeared when I entered the topic subject but to no avail.
I’m trying to set the Look Tracking Settings for a CineCamera component that is the child of a SpringArm in a Pawn Blueprint. When I try to attach the cineCamera component (dragged from the Component tree) to the Target pin of the Set Look Tracking node, it complains that “Cine Camera Component Object Reference is not compatible with Cine Camera Actor…”. I’ve tried Get Owner and others but am getting frustrated that within the Pawn blueprint I can’t set the settings for the camera. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
An actor is made of many components - you can see them in the upper left corner. The node you’re plugging the Cine Camera 1 component into only accepts actors. Furthermore, the node seems to be compatible only with a very specific Cine Camera Actor type, but your camera actor is a Pawn.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
You’d need to explain, in details, what is going on here. Little can be deducted from the snippet.
What I am trying to do is move a Cine Camera to a specific location and then have it track an actor (more specifically a static mesh object). Struggling a bit, I followed a YouTube video which used a Pawn class Blueprint and added a spring arm as a child and a Cine Camera component as a grandchild. The first part was easy and as well as moving the camera, I was able to point it at the location of an actor. However, this changes the pointing angle but doesn’t track the [static mesh] actor. This is when I discovered the Set Look Targeting Settings and assumed I would be able to use the Cine Camera object (the grandchild of the pawn) as the Target to do so.
My current thought… If I create a basic class that is a Cine Camera object, can I still attach an instance of that to the spring-arm child of the pawn? If so, would that mean I could use an interface function to tell the camera what to track?