Chunking with AssetData doesn't work

Hi, chunking with DataAsset does not work in Unreal 4.27

I followed this: Preparing Assets for Chunking | Unreal Engine Documentation
In the bottom of the documentation they state: You can also navigate click Window > Asset Audit to view your chunks in the Asset Audit Window. The picture bellow, clearly shows that nothing is assigned to any chunks.

And official tutorial on YouTube channel. It is so so so funny, that this didn’t even work on the official tutorial, have a look here: ChunkDownloader Explained | Inside Unreal - YouTube

Right after he noticed that it generated a single .pak file instead of expected result, he navigated to a different, non-project-build-folder to continue the tutorial. Comments on the video also state that this does not work.

Of course, I have enabled related options in Project Settings and Editor Preferences.

P.S. Unreal documentation must have Feedback feature. Also, I would love to see code and Blueprint examples next to documentation. (I am coming from Unity).