Chunking assets does not (really) work on Linux

I have an unreal engine 5 project where I’m trying to package a level into a separate .pak file so I can load it dynamically from another project. I tried to follow Unreal’s official documentation about creating chunks and set the level’s chunk ID to “3” through primary asset rules in the Asset Manager, but whenever I package the project from the editor it only generates a single pak file for chunk 0, and not an extra one for chunk 1 as I would expect.

This is what I after packaging:

Something like this is what I would expect to get (two pak files, one for the map and one for the rest of the game)

I also set my map as the Game Default Map and added it to the “List of maps to include in packaged build” setting, but that didn’t change anything.

Is this an engine bug or am I doing something wrong?

Platform: Ubuntu 22.04
Unreal Engine Version: 5.2.1, compiled from source
Link to an example project: ExportPakFiles3

Turns out I forgot to enable the “Generate Chunks” project setting. With it enabled, the map does end up in its own .pak file:

This step seems to be missing from the documentation article about chunks

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