Chromattic abberation effect only when player reach the colission box

In my UE5 scene, I have a Blueprint called BP_CH_AB_BOX that contains:

PostProcess and box Collision

There is no other PostProcess Volume in my scene.

Im trying to set the blueprint
When the player enters the Box Collision from BP_CH_AB_BOX, the Chromatic Aberration value should change to 2. When the player exits the collision box, it should reset to 0.
What am I doing wrong?

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You don’t need to do this with a blueprint. You can just put a post process box in the scene and set the aberration. It will work when the player walks into it :slight_smile:

Thanks, this works!

But what if I want more control over the post-process effect, such as its duration?

Example event:
When the player enters the post-process volume, the chromatic aberration effect lasts for 10 seconds before returning to normal. How can I achieve this?
should I use blueprint ?

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Yeah, then you need a blueprint :wink:

In fact, at the moment, what you have, works better than the BP would. Because the change is gradual. With the BP you had, it would be sudden.

The code you pasted looks ok, though.