In my UE5 scene, I have a Blueprint called BP_CH_AB_BOX that contains:
PostProcess and box Collision
There is no other PostProcess Volume in my scene.
Im trying to set the blueprint
When the player enters the Box Collision from BP_CH_AB_BOX, the Chromatic Aberration value should change to 2. When the player exits the collision box, it should reset to 0.
What am I doing wrong?
You don’t need to do this with a blueprint. You can just put a post process box in the scene and set the aberration. It will work when the player walks into it
But what if I want more control over the post-process effect, such as its duration?
Example event:
When the player enters the post-process volume, the chromatic aberration effect lasts for 10 seconds before returning to normal. How can I achieve this?
should I use blueprint ?