Chromatic Curve - Unreal 5 - Materials do not come alive

I’m attempting to transfer Manny and Quinn while having a few problems with the Unreal Client-side asset migration transfer protocol. I did it outside of the program, and the only problem I’m having is with the MF_Diffraction material function. I cannot find the existing curve, or any new one I create, on the list of available options. There seemingly are no available options.

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I also have the same problem, did you solve this?

I ran into this issue and managed to fix it. Here’s the steps:

  1. Open CA_Mannequin
  2. In details, curves, gradient curves: add an array element
  3. Select the chromatic curve for the element just added then save

Now back in the material function curve node, when you select the atlas parameter first then you should see the chromatic curve in the drop down.