Chopped/Sliced ProceduralMeshComponent not receiving MouseInput events


I have an Actor that contains a ProceduralMeshComponent. It receives correctly MouseInputs such as OnBeginCursorOver and EndCursorOver. With this I mean that the input capture is active and working.

Then, I slice the ProceduralMesh and then I lost any chance of capturing those events.
My objective here is to know each moment when the user puts the mouse over the ProceduralMesh. Unfortunately, after slicing, I lost it.

The mesh I am currently working with is a door profile, see picture.
Also I am using complex collision

I have already tried:

  • Unbinding and rebinding actor to the events after slicing
  • Deleting former collision mesh and adding the new one using the vertices from the chopped mesh

Anyone knows what is happening?

Thanks in advance!

Hi found something that might be related. If I calculate the section view on another software, I get this. And when I calculate the slice on Unreal, I get “transparent” faces depending on where the camera is looking from. Is the resulting mesh not closed, affecting this to collision? Is this a bug?


Ok, at least I found the problem to the last image. It is because the Material was not “Two Sided”
So now I can see the material from the interior.

Unfortunately I keep having the problem of not beeing able to calculate the right section of the profile