Children forced to inherit collision on Wheeled Vehicle

This is only an issue since (at least) 4.7+. 4.5.1 was ok.

I’m trying to add an overlap trigger component near the door of a Wheeled Vehicle, but it always uses the same collision type that the inherited unchangeable root mesh of WV, making an overlap trigger impossible!

Any way to override collision type inheritance or some other workaround?

Hi, you would probably need to swap out your default collision component (that also serves as the root component probably?) with some other collision component that fits your needs. To do that you would need to set the root component to your new collision component. I kind of have the same problem, as I try to change the collision component based on my third person character state (walking, prone etc). The problem is that the function to do that namely “setRootComponent()” is defined in “AActor” and is neither exposed to Blueprints nor accessible in the “Grandchild”-class “ACharacter” as it’s access is protected. See my question here: Set Root Component on CharacterBlueprint - Character & Animation - Unreal Engine Forums

Is this really that advanced a question that no one can answer it?

Thanks for the reply.

I tried to disable collision on the root mesh, whilst adding new collision volumes as children, but that broke everything, so the WV Movement script must rely on the default collision set-up.

This isn’t a problem with all pre-made pawn set-up’s, the Third-Person template allows child collision objects to have a type that is different from the root. It’s only the Wheeled Vehicle that forces it’s beliefs on it’s children. :P.

It could just be that we need to duplicate & alter the base classes that are responsible, but that’s out of my depth for now.

It was caused by “Auto Weld” being incorrectly enabled by default.

I was informed by staff that the issue is known and will be fixed in an upcoming update.