ChildActorClass reference issues

I have a blueprint called RusticDoor that has a mesh in it with scale set on it. I have another blueprint, called BaseDoor, that has a child actor component that points to RusticDoor. However the BaseDoor does not show the scale set in the RusticDoor. BaseDoor has a ChildActorClass actor with the RusticDoor actor set as its default class. It shows up fine and I dont cast to a childactorclass unless I want to change from RusticDoor to CommercialDoor of same class
while the actor shows up find and is pointing to the right file, any scale done in the RusticDoor asset is not shown in the BaseDoor asset
Has anyone had experience with this? Am I using this wrong or is there another way to handle this?


Could you set the scale as a variable and then set it to public? I know it doesn’t fix the root of the problem but it should work as a workaround