Child static mesh collision

It seems to me like the only part of a blueprint that is checked for collision is the root.

Creating a blueprint and putting a static mesh as root, will have it behave like intended, where it blocks everything. Creating a new scenecomponent as root and putting the static mesh under it will make it ignore all collision.

Without the scenecomponent as a root, I can’t modify the static mesh transform, which is quite bothersome. In addition, it means I cant have a blueprint with the collision of several static meshes at a time.

Is this intended behavior? Is there any workaround? What do I do?

For the record, I have set everything to block all and I have gone into all the static meshes and added collision. Collision works, as long as it’s at the root, but not at all otherwise.

Try disabling auto weld for you’re static meshes

Disabling auto weld doesn’t seem to work for me. Everything seems very wonky and it seems to work sporadically.

What I ended up doing is having the static mesh as parent where possible and use simulate physics in other cases. I’m still playing around with it, but for my use-case it’s seems good enough.

hello from 2019. auto weld still does nothing