Every time I load up my project my spearman child actor of the viking_base_character actor is broken. The mesh is not in the chid and the rotations and scaling of whats left in there is all wrong. To fix this i need to make a new child from my actor and change a bunch of stuff in my gamemode to tell it to spawn the new child. Im tired of fixing this every time I work on my project. The spearman child is literally just supposed to be the same as the parent actor but i have plans for other characters in the future so I need the child to work, I cant just use the parent actor, thats the foundation of all my planned characters. The first image is of my child actor after loading up the project, the 2nd is of my parent actor.
have continuously run into this issue as well. so reprogrammed base class in c++ and then created child classes in blueprints, however random children are still not inheriting the parents defaults. may or may not be related…but in this case in particular, using a ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder to grab a reference to the AnimBP and load it in the base class, causes the editor to hang on debug load or through launcher load. relying on the blueprint actor to set the AnimBP manually causes a breakpoint in debug with “Object have the same fully qualified name but different paths” (from UObjectGlobals line2153)
We’ve unfortunately found that the ChildActorComponent is flaky enough in our production pipeline that we completely avoid it. It causes too many weird issues that have broken blueprints out-right and created hard to debug issues. Our preferred method now is sadly to just spawn the actor. We’d love to use them, but they’re very lacking for us…
I don’t know how Robo Recall manages to use them so effectively without ensures() triggering everywhere and leaving programmers in a constant state of worry.
I’ve also just ran into this issue of a buggy Child Actor Component. Doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to the failures it causes. Using UE4 4.16