Child Mesh not connected to parent mesh after anim montage plays

I am using the elephant with tusks from the market place African pack to randomly roam around a flat gray landscape. I play an anim montage of the elephant eating. Afterwards the tusks are no longer connected to their socket on the elephants head and float in front of the elephant. The tusks are a child of the elephant mesh. I can only select the elephant mesh (without the tusk mesh) to connect to the ‘self’ input on the anim montage.

So my question is: do i need to check a box somewhere to make the child not separate and to make the tusks stay connected while roaming?? Not sure what to look for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Figured out how to fix this. I used 2 Play Montage nodes and used a Sequence node to play one at a time. One Play Montage node had the elephant as the target and the second Play Montage node had the tusks as the target. I thought the parent/child hierachy would work automatically but NOPE you must use a Sequence node to fire off one Play Montage node at a time.

Does this method though allow you to do the attack Montages cause the tusks would have to move at the same time as the body.