Child Classes with Same Parent Have Different Default on Mobility Which is Causes Issues

Here is a real headscratcher in 4.27. I have two classes of ore. BP_Tin and BP_Emerald. They have the same parent class. Yet the DefaultSceneRoot they have different default mobilities.

BP_Emerald’s is correctly listed as static (along with every other child)

BP_Tin is listed as Movable. Sometimes when we submit BP_Tin it swaps back to movable even though no one touched it in P4.

You can see the results here.

Does it have an actual impact on anything? Perhaps it’s a visual glitch only?

Yeah we depend on it being static for performance, visibility, and save reasons (weird stuff happens when the save vs new movability is different).

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How deep does the inheritance chain go? Does the parent have a parent by any chance?


Not very deep really. EESerializableActor is our extended actor class for saving.

It happened again with a different child in the same parent chain. I opened my editor twice and got two different results! Notice how just closing and opening the editor caused what the editor believed to be in the P4 demo from static to movable!

The solution to this problem was just to set the mobility manually in the highest parent possible to static via the construction script. This is very heavy handed but should stop this from occuring.

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Not sure if this is valuable to anyone, but I ran into this issue and was able to resolve it by using my own Root Scene component rather than the default one. As soon as I swapped out “DefaultSceneRoot” for a normal SceneComponent it updated all my Child Blueprints to match.