I recently posted another issue but finally figured out the root cause. Children blueprint widgets work in “Play In Editor” but are broken in packaged game.
My issue is similar to these:
Current situation:
Everything works in Editor
Children BP widgets are broken in Packaged game
Common error from log: [2017.10.16-12.11.36:444][ 0]LogProperty: Warning: Serialized Class /Script/CoreUObject.LinkerPlaceholderExportObject for a property of WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Gameplay/ViewCard_Default.ViewCard_Default_C. Reference will be nullptred.
Property = ObjectProperty /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Menu/DeckBuilder/LibraryCard.LibraryCard_C:CardBase
Item = LinkerPlaceholderExportObject /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Menu/DeckBuilder/DeckBuilder.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_ViewCard_Default_C_25
My questions:
How do I fix the errors?
What causes them?
Why do they happen in packaged game but not in editor?
Full log:
Found a similar thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/528455/child-actor-component-keeps-corrupting-its-parent.html
I am able to restore some functionality to the packaged game via using “Create Widget” functions instead of having static references inside widget BPs. This is bizarre.