Child BP Breaks When Adding New Component in C++

I’m getting a very strange bug in UE 5.2.1.
When I add a new component (say a UNiagaraComponent) in my C++ class (derived from ACharacter), it breaks the child BP of that class.
Here is how I’m adding the component in C++:

	GenBoostEffect = CreateDefaultSubobject<UNiagaraComponent>(TEXT("GeneralBoostEffect"));

The RootComponent here is a capsule component.
The attached image below shows the child BP of this class. You can see that 2 separate capsule components are in the BP, and the GenBoostComponent doesn’t work.


If I create a fresh child BP from the parent, the problem seems to get fixed. But I don’t want to do this because I have 10 different child BPs, and each child BP has its own custom properties…

How do I dix this?

Ok, fixed it with this solution.

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