Child blueprint with collision

I am trying to establish base blueprint for my projectile.
But I can’t figure out how to do collision for child instances.
Can I do parent class without capsule componenet? I just want to do generic functions and use them to do more complex blueprints using that functions.

I don’t understand what you want. Maybe rephrase it.

I know how to make Agent blue print for bullet and it works fine, bounces where it should. Physics is also works fine after disabling movement after impact.

Problem starts when I want to reparent bullet to empty actor blueprint.
You may ask why? I want to share functions and do common tasks for each bullet I will make for exaple play sound at impact.

Bullets just pass through agent, im not sure why it sometimes collide and sometimes not, tried to analyze it somehow, but bullets seems to have smaller collision box or something, im not sure what…

Black bullet has parent → Agent
Silver has parent → BaseProjectile-> Agent

That normal bullet

and thats how looks my child bp bullet

It might be because you have a DefaultSceneRoot as the root, so the ProjectileMovementComponent is acting on the root rather than the BulletMesh. Try dragging BulletMesh onto DefaultSceneRoot and replacing it.

Thats the issue, Im looking for help, I can’t change root for parent blueprint… you should know that

Can’t help then.

function library is my only option so far, but still it will be repetetive work :expressionless: