Child Actors Post Process Anim Blueprint – Not Reacting to Character Movement

So, this issue is a bit more complicated than what the title suggests,or maybe not. :sweat_smile:

I have a belt armor that required some corrective shape keys/morph targets. I set it up, and it works perfectly when used as a Skeletal Mesh attached to the character.

However, I want the belt to be a Child Actor so it can have its own Blueprint. This is because I plan to have multiple belts inside that Blueprint, and the belt itself will be more complex.

The Issue:
Why isn’t the Child Actor Component reacting to the character’s movement?It does as a simple skeletal mesh..

:white_check_mark: It uses the same skeleton as the character.

:white_check_mark: The morph target is driven by the movement of the left and right thigh bones.

Additional Info:
It works as a Child BP, but only if,.. the character has the same Post Process AnimBP set up for it. (or same values with added anim curves )

Set Leader Pose with casting ,or with interface implementation from the armor side, does not work PP AnimBP not reacting.

I know the workaround is easy to just copy the node to the Characters PP.ABP ,but don’t want to overcrowd the character’s PP AnimBP with all these corrective shape keys esspecialy since they are for armor only.

I’ve been away from Unreal for quite couple of weeks, so I might be forgetting something obvious. It should be simple, but I just can’t figure it out.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!

Maybe there is better way, but you should watch “realtime retargetting” tutorial, and at 13:15 there is example how to copy pose from parent. Just retarget from same mesh :smiley:

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Thank you for your quick help! I really appreciate it! This is definitely a quick fix, and I might stick with it for now.

Unfortunately, it’s not exactly the solution I was looking for, and I have a feeling this method might cause issues later down the line. :sweat_smile:

Nevertheless, I truly appreciate your input!

I’d like to keep this thread open in case anyone has a different or more direct solution—I’d love to give it a try.