Child actor transforms madness

I have a frustrating issue I can’t seem to solve.
I created a item slot and added them to another BP as child actors, there for making a collection of slots.
My item slots do all the logic and use a map variable to match the incoming actor class to a custom transform for EACH actor . So each has its own location offset, rotation and scale when attached to the item slot as they need to fit in the slot correctly.
I’m feeding the custom transform to the set relative transform node and that’s setting the attached actor transform
But I’m getting inconsistent results or wrong rotations/ scales and position offsets across the item slots.

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OK here is a bit more context
I am trying to set custom relative transforms for attached actors , So I created a map variable that picks the correct transform for the actor. But its not working :frowning_with_open_mouth: not sure why

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Insert a branch node from the bool of the find node and print true/false, and also print the class name to see what’s happening (my guess is that it’s not able to find the class in the map for some reason, I wouldn’t use a class as a map key)