I’m a bit confused about how to handle physics with child actors in a VR project I’m working on.
I created a blueprint for a 2-axis lever (like a joystick) that can be manipulated with a Vive motion controller. This uses a physics constraint to attach the handle of the joystick to its pivot point. I then created a pawn blueprint that contains a movable platform. I attached the lever blueprint to the pawn as a child actor which adds a physical force to the platform allowing it to move in the XY plane.
Everything works as expected, but when I get the platform moving and let go of the lever, it won’t remain in place. It is thrown back in the opposite direction of the platform’s movement - almost as though it was affected by inertia. The intended behavior would be for the lever to remain in place when you let go of it, regardless of the platform’s speed.
Are there any resources about how to set this up correctly? Is there a way to make the lever handle “inherit” the movement of the moving platform?