Child-Actor Movement

If I have two moveable (kinematic) actors, one parented to the other, how is movement of the child actor handled? And is there any control over how it is handled? Does it teleport to its new location every frame or is it possible to do sweeps, get HitReports etc. for its movement following the parent?

The type of the parent-actor is probably irrelevant. The important part is the movement of an actor with a parent-transform.

Explain what child and partent actor is to eachother? is child actor is like fairy following the parent?

Does it make a difference?

In my particular case, it is about a melee weapon attached (child) to a skeletal mesh’s hand-socket. And when it is swung, I need to get sweep results for that weapon. But I’m beginning to think it’s not going to work with parent (socket) movement. I probably have to move the actor independently.

We’re you ever able to resolve this?

It effectively makes hierarchical parenting as well as sockets useless for our application as there appears to be no way to have a child objects inherited movement trigger kinematic hit collisions.

Update: For future Googlers, see my answer to a similar issue on another thread Very tricky! projectile to hit actor that doesn't have simulate physics enabled - #12 by Reahreic